

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Around the Blogosphere: Adult Beginner

I think I have found a real treasure in "Adult Beginner". Look at the drawing on her "About Page" of "Your adult beginner ....... as compared to your usual beginner." Brilliant!   In other words this blog is about people like me. Or more accurately about people I aspire to be.  For although in one sense I am not a beginner in that  I took my first dance class in 1970 when I was an undergraduate, in every other sense I certainly am because there was a 42 year gap between those early lessons and my starting again.

Adult Beginner shares my sense of humour.   Look how she divides her blogroll into "Badgers" and "Mushrooms".  I remember struggling to keep a straight face through class immediately after the I had seem mrweebl's "Badgers" for the first time.   That blogroll incidentally has led me to several other delightful blogs this evening such as Johannan Balettikassi's "Pointe till you Drop" and "The Ballet Bag" which I shall review later.

My favourite bits of "Adult Beginner" are the "First Class Stories". Shear Schadenfreude!   I thought of offering my own first class story but it was such a long time ago that I am not sure my recollection  is accurate.   I could contribute my first class after a 40 year gap story but would Adult Beginner really like to know how I felt among a whole crowd of teenagers and 20 somethings young enough to be my granddaughters?

Also worth a laugh is "Le Lac des Poulet" - photos (I think) of "Adult Beginner" in fancy dress.   In the words of "Classical Ballet Teacher"  who also blogs: "You [Adult Beginner] have more guts than I ever will.".I was also delighted to find a lady at the barre from Norwich who is even older than me. Although there is one carping comment those photos seem to have amused a lot of people, including Cyril:
"Super ! J’adorre.
Je suis clown et metteur en scène en France et en Russie, et je commence en mars les répétitions d’un spectacle que j’appel “le lac des poules”, c’est en cherchant ce qui existait sur internet que je suis tombé sur votre site. (je ne veux pas faire une caricature du lac des cignes, mais plutôt chercher ce que serait une danse, un geste comique).
En tout cas bravo."
My last French class was even earlier than my first ballet class but I think he means something like this:
"Super. Love it.
I'm a clown and producer in France and Russia and in March I shall begin rehearsals for a show that I shall call "Chicken Lake". It was through looking out for what existed on the Internet that I stumbled upon your site. I don't want to parody "Swan Lake".  More a dance show in its own right.  A comic sketch.
Anyway Bravo!
My sentiments exactly, Cyril, and not just for Lac des Poulets" but for Adult Beginner's blog as a whole..

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