

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

I need some help with Terpsichore

I need some help with Terpsichore. 

I have added a Performances DiaryBallets Directory and a Glossary to the blog and I want to add reference pages for companies, dancers, choreographers, composers, education and so forth.   But these have to be updated and if possible extended and there are only so many hours in the day. I have to do a very demanding job and cannot afford to give too much time to indulging my passion for dance. 

Perhaps you can help. If you are a press officer for a company, a theatre or school this is an obvious opportunity for publicity. There may not be many readers of this blog just yet (though you would be surprised how many hits I have received after just two days) but if it becomes a useful resource the return on the investment of a little bit of your time could be very worthwhile indeed.

If you do want to help, please get in touch

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