

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Not just Americans who will celebrate the 4th July this year

Every year the students of the Northern Ballet Academy put on a show. I was in last year's and had the time of my life. Everyone has an opportunity to take part from the tiny tots to us old crocks. And while we may lack the agility and technique of the gifted young people on the CAT programme who are destined for great things we equal them in enthusiasm.

This year the show is taking place on the 4th July and, as you can see, Adult Beginner and our other good friends in the USA are laying on some fireworks for us.

Our teacher Annemarie Donoghue has chosen some lovely music which I am struggling to identify. I think it is Debussy but my friend who used to dance professionally thinks it could be Satie. We both agree that it is French but perhaps we shall learn that it is Argentinian, Russian or even American.   Our teacher has  choreographed movements that are a joy to dance but require slick timing and good team work.

I am trying very hard to make the show but there are two problems.  The first is that I am a lot busier than I was last year,  As I found out to my cost, missing just one rehearsal sets you back plenty.  I have a hearing before the Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks in Glasgow starting on Monday which I would not miss for the world because it is a very, very, very, rare and unusual opportunity for an English barrister to be briefed in Scotland. But it does mean missing the second rehearsal and I really can't afford to miss any more. The other problem is that my feet have been playing up all year. There is a delightful courou on demi-pointe which I love to dance but are murder on the old paws.

So I am both excited and apprehensive. It will take place in the Stanley and Audrey Burton Theatre in Leeds Tickets sell out like hot cakes because mums and dads (or in our case grandchildren) come to see the show but there are usually one or two spares for Friends of Northern Ballet and other connections.  So toi-toi ti us.

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