

Saturday, 5 November 2016

A Coppelia Makeover

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Dutch National Ballet's Christmas show this year will be Ted Brandsen's Coppelia. It will run at the Stopera (or Music Theatre) from 10 Dec 2016 to 1 Jan 2017 with performances on Christmas  Eve, Boxing Day and New Year's Eve,

This is nothing like any Coppelia that we have seen before. It is set not in a remote 19th-century village somewhere in Mitteleuropa but in a modern urban setting.  Instead of being an eccentric recluse Dr Coppelius runs a beauty clinic to which celebrities flock including a beautiful young girl with a curious hairdo who turns Franz's head. In this video, the choreographer explains that the set was designed to resemble a child's picture book by the well-known illustrator, Sieb Posthuma. Because of the change of period and setting a delicious range of new costumes have been designed by François-Noël Cherpin.

I am very cautious about attempts to update well-known, well-loved ballets. I think David Dawson succeeded with Scottish Ballet's Swan Lake (see Empire Blanche: Dawson's Swan Lake 4 June 2016) but I am much less sure about David Nixon's version (see Up The Swannee 17 March 2016) and I have one or two issues with Akram Khan's Giselle. I have yet to see Brandsen's Coppelia on stage (though I have seen quite extensive bits of it on YouTube) and if the video is anything to go by it seems to work very well

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