"Like M-SParc, the Pontio Centre is an initiative of Bangor University and they complement each other. While the science park provides facilities for new knowledge-based businesses the Pontio is a venue for the performing arts. Both are essential for the economic and social regeneration of Northwest Wales. The new businesses in or clustering around M-SParc already provide employment for the region's graduates and young professionals. The arts will nourish their minds and spirits."
I have reviewed three shows at the Pontio by Ballet Cymru: Dylan Thomas – A Child’s Christmas, Poems and Tiger Eggs on 1 Dec 2018, Wired to the Moon, Divided We Stand and Celtic Concerto on 30 Nov 2019 and A Child's Christmas and Terms and Conditions on 2 Dec 2022.
According to the National Dance Company's website classes at the Pontio take place every Tuesday at 13:30 and cost £3.50. The Centre is on Deiniol Toad not far from the town centre. There is a car park almost opposite.
The National Dance Company Wales is one of the UK's leading contemporary dance companies. It is based at the Dancehouse in Cardiff It is about to take its mixed bill Pulse which will start at the Pontio on 23 March 2023 and will take in London, Derby and Huddersfield as well as venues throughout Wales. I am looking forward to seeing the show at the Lawrence Batley on 18 May 2023.